High Holiday Services at the Gallery
We are excited to share with you that we'll be holding services over the High Holidays at the Masterpiece Art Gallery, a truly marvelous setting for a meaningful and enjoyable service.
It is time to pray, to restart, to ask G-d for a good and healthy year for ourselves, our family and the world.
Prayer is so much more meaningful when done with others, as a community. That’s why despite the difficulties involved, we welcome you to join us for interactive and uplifting prayer services which will each be followed by a break-fast at Yom Kippur’s conclusion.
All are welcome regardless of affiliation, background or membership.
Due to Covid-19 regulations, prior reservation is necessary. Reservation is Free.
Donations to bring these and other services to the community are greatly appreciated.
We are doing our utmost to make the environment as safe as possible. Here is what you can expect:
All seats will be spaced with social distancing.
Masks will be provided and necessary throughout the services.
All prayer items (prayer books, Tallit, Kippah) will not be shared.
As always, the prayers will be easy to follow even for the beginner, with Hebrew- English prayer books and meaningful explanations throughout.
Schedule of Services
Rosh Hashanah
Friday 18th September
7:30 PM Evening Service
8:00 PM Dinner by separate reservation
Saturday 19th September:
10:00 AM Service Begins
12:30 PM Approximate: Boxed Kiddush Lunch
Sunday 20th September:
10:00 AM Service Begins
11:30 AM Shofar Blowing
12:30 PM Approximate: Boxed Kiddush Lunch
Yom Kippur
Sunday 27th September
6:30 PM Kol Nidrei
Monday 28th September
10:00 AM Service Begins
11:45 PM Yizkor memorial service
5:30 PM Mincha and Neilah
7:33 PM Fast ends followed by Boxed Break the fast