There are thirty-eight books of the Talmud. That’s 2,711 pages.
At first glance, the Talmud may just look like scores of black ink on white pages exploring the intricacies of Jewish legislation. But, if you look beyond the surface, Jewish law has a heart. It has a soul. It has values that shape it.
Jewish law is concerned about protecting you from a scam and from overworking in your career. It has laws designed to safeguard your property and give you second chances when you mess up.
Jewish law is unlike any other legal system out there. It’s not just a bunch of laws. It’s a way of life.
Talmudic analysis and mind-bending logic have long been a hallmark of Jewish scholarship. But beneath much of the discussion and legalese are core Jewish values.
Join us for this course as we bring the pages of Talmud to life exploring a number of key legal issues that disclose fundamental ethical considerations that serve as the engine of Jewish civil law.
How: In person, via Zoom or a combination
When: 6 Tuesdays, May 24 - June 28 2022
Sushi & refreshments will be served.
Where: The Tabernacale, Notting Hill, W11 2AY
Cost: £60 (Includes course book)
Couples & Bring a friend: £45 per person (Includes course book).
Not sure it’s for you? Try the first lesson for free!
Full & part scholarships available. Please see registration page or be in touch for more info.
Course author: This course is developed by JLI, the world’s preeminent provider of Jewish learning.
Each lesson is highly engaging, interactive and includes cutting edge media.
Course Instructor: Rabbi Shneur Wineberg, Director, Chabad of Notting Hill
LESSON outlines
Lesson 1 - 24 May
Most laws are designed to protect the rights of people and their property. But Judaism’s civil code is driven by a different goal. Explore how laws of damages and disputes support a uniquely Jewish view of the human mission.
Lesson 2 - 31 May
In seeking to restore the rights of plaintiffs, Jewish courts actively assist offenders in achieving full repentance too. Why? Discover the advantage of properly undoing damage over mere compensation.
Lesson 3 - 7 June
You may feel a moral urge to speak up against an offensive action. But might you have a legal responsibility to deter someone from certain behaviors? Judaism says: Yes. In this lesson, we discuss why and when.
Lesson 4 - 14 June
With 613 commandments in the Torah and myriad rules expounded in the Talmud, can Judaism ever be called “liberating”? Let’s delve into the Exodus, the covenant, and the ways in which laws can lead to the purest human freedom.
Lesson 5 - 21 June
Is the claim of ownership anything more than a subjective social agreement? A foundation of Chassidic thought is that material possessions contain spiritual energy that is specific to their owners. Let’s consider the owner’s rights and responsibilities through this lens.
Lesson 6 - 28 June
While a presumption of innocence can protect defendants from liability, it is not quite a declaration of uprightness. Jewish law goes so far as to presume every person’s core goodness. See how this view can lead us to a truly upright world.