The menorah Parade
An awesome procession of light will weave its way through Notting Hill & Surrounding areas sharing the light and warmth of Chanukah.
Experience your Jewish pride in these areas like never before!
2 Ways to take part:
Join in or Meet up
A. Join the parade in your vehicle decked out in lit up Chanukah Jazz and as we make our way around the area sharing Chanukah spirit .
B. Step outside your home to meet up with the Parade anywhere along its route. Wave, sing, dance or clap. Get Chanukah gelt and be prepared for a memorable Chanukah moment!
Many Special features including: Mitzvah tank • Cool cars • Raffles • Gift Packages • Chanukah gelt
Culmintating in a menorah lighting at the Grand Menorah on Westbourne Grove w11
Here’s how it works
Meet with your car at a central location in Notting Hill to be fitted with a specialised car menorah & / or other Chanukah jazz
Join the procession of light sharing Chanukah spirit around the area
Meet up with the Parade anywhere along its route.
Wave, sing, dance or clap.
Be prepared for Chanukah Gelt and a memorable Chanukah sight.
Be sure to watch the parade as it passes through your area!
Click above to input your info and we’ll send you real-time parade location updates on Dec 21st.