
Joy breaks barriers. Joy brings people together. Purim is a day of joy.

How appropriate therefore that one of the central mitzvas of Purim day is mishloach manot - to share a gift of 2 ready-to-go foods with another member of the tribe. 
So, in the spirit of Purim and in the spirit of community, we launch #ShareItOn!

Here’s how it works:

 1.     Take a moment to think through your family and acquaintances. With whom could you #ShareItOn?
(Think: neighbours, work colleagues or even that guy at the gym that you know is a member of the tribe:))
2.    Once you’ve got your list, fill in the form below to let us know how many traditional Purim food packages you’ll need. 
3.    We’ll be in touch to coordinate delivery or pickup
4.    On Purim day, Tuesday, 10 March #ShareItOn!